Modernizing the TV experience

Designed a new TV app for 7 platforms including Samsung, LG, Android TV, Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, and their personal streaming box, ODK Box.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
OnDemandKorea (ODK) is a leading Korean content streaming platform. However, after 10 years without updates, the platforms' UX/UI became severely outdated and difficult to operate due to varying designs on different devices.

Recognizing the need for modernization, ODK initiated a major rebranding for all OTT products.
As I joined the team during the design phase, I maintained the company's TV UX/UI direction while adhering to the PRD. I updated the design for 6 new features to match other devices (website and moble apps). I conducted user research, aided usability testing, unified design system, and improved design documentation.
- TV apps that are visually cohesive with a consistent app experience across 7 platforms.
- Optimized Design System and design documentation that sped up cross-functional collaboration.
4 Product Designers, 4 Project Managers, 5 Visual Designers, 3 Teams of Engineers, 3 QA, 1 Business Analyst, 3 Marketing
8 months: App release
6 months: Further improvements
Figma, Adobe CC, Miro, Jira, Confluence, Slack
Design Process
Short timeline, quick iterations, and constant changes
Multiple features, quick iterations, and constant ideation and feedback: this was a fast design process with limited time. Despite having a base design layout for the redesign, I prioritized conducting user research, understanding industry standards, and working closely with PMs and Engineers to further improve the base layout and consider all changes necessary.
User Research
Early insights into user pain points in ODK and TV viewing
To save time, I consulted online articles, company's previous user research, and quick user interviews to identify common pain points associated with watching ODK and TV. As 64% of our target audience are between 30-67, I focused on them.
Our older audience finds it tiring to use the remote, especially since it's difficult to find content they're interested in.
Our younger audience finds the interface lackluster and disorganized, which makes them uninterested to find new content.
As a result, the main problem space was:
How might we offer the optimal laid-back TV experience that is remote-friendly and easy to discover content?
Competitive Analysis
Market research revealed trends amongst top streaming platforms
I wanted to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest trends in TV user interface design before I started working on my design. As a result, I analyzed at least 6 competitors' designs for each feature and identified potential areas for improvement.
Difficult to ensure that all 6 features could be implemented on 7 different platforms
Although all TV apps had the same design, it was difficult as each platform had its own technical or legal issues, which altered the UX/UI in some minor cases. In addition, there were also significant technical limitations which restricted the overall design. In order to meet the quick deadline with multiple features while considering everything, I didn't alter the UI of the original layout a lot, used the Design System as is, and worked very closely with PMs and Engineering (even outside office hours) to ensure that all my designs could be implemented in time.
IDEATION & Iteration
Multiple iterations to enhance clarity of the app
Since there was already a provided base layout approved by PMs, I focused on improving the little details and fixing technical complications that might arise from the design throughout the process. I focused on making the UI more clear with concise labeling along with specifying the remote behaviors to be similar with other apps. Each feature went through at least 4 rounds of iterations before delivering to PMs.
Home: Added more details and progress bar for currently watching programs
Player: Added labels, fixed spacing, and specified player fuctions and remote behavior.
Category: Place to look for TV shows and movies. Added a banner of shows/movies and filters.
ODK Channels: Live TV feature. Added 7-day schedule, channel logos and numbers, progress bar, more transparent EPG, and Live TV player.
Usability Test
Users were invited to test on-site with the released TV app
We invited users aged 31-68 (our target audience), who use ODK at least 2-3 times a week, for qualitative interviews to help us improve the app.

Users were given tasks to complete on Apple TV and Smart TV. The Sign In process and remote usage were the most pressing issues, as they were confused by the order of steps and they also faced challenges with the sensitivity of the Apple TV remote and the usability of the Smart TV cursor.
Overall, users found the new design easy to work with, but struggled with technical issues
“Friendly design. Similar design to other platforms like Netflix. It looks more modern and follows the trends. Simpler, better UI, easier to find contents.”
- User, Aged 31 😄
"Overall, I think it was really good. I could navigate the TV app without thinking too much."
- User, Aged 34 😄
"It’s just the lag that bothers me the most. Search should also have more related content go up quicker [rather than typing everything out]."
- User, Aged 36 😥
"It's my first time using [QR code]. I was confused on choosing how to log in [QR or email]. I’m more used to typing email and PW to sign into the TV."
- User, Aged 54 😥
Improving critical design issues based on feedback
Using feedback, I made more design improvements on all screens. These are the screens that required the most design changes based on user and technical needs.
Final Solution
Here are some of the key screens that I fixed after receiving feedback from usability testing, QA, and post-product launch.
Home Landing
The home screen serves as the main browsing feature. As it was difficult for users to see their current state when browsing on Apple TV, I made the thumbnail and outline bigger. I also displayed the previous program to make it easier to know where they are.
Too many features and not enough time
Although there were strong initiatives to do a complete overhaul, I believe that introducing new features gradually would be more appropriate. Furthermore, I wish we were able to do more usability testing throughout the design process, especially given that our main users were older individual who may struggle more in getting used to the new product. Also, although the project was very time-sensitive, I regret that we didn't have more time for testing and QA to ensure that it was market-ready.
Learning to adapt in a high-stakes project in a cross-functional environment
Through this complex and large-scale project, I've learned the vital importance of clear communication, understanding of technical constraints, and prioritizing the needs of the end user even when plans go awry. This helped me become adaptable along with improving my critical thinking, understanding of business goals, and efficiency at cross-collaboration.
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